Thursday, February 18, 2010

Understanding The International Hair Colour Chart [I AM ### NOT ## FULLY WHITE] -- TEACHING ENGLISH IN CHINA?

[I AM ### NOT ## FULLY WHITE] -- TEACHING ENGLISH IN CHINA? - understanding the international hair colour chart


I'm 18 and I wanted to learn English in China during the summer, because he wanted to earn some international presence. This allows me to try new things and new opportunities in teaching, when applying for college, when you finish high school.

However .... It's something I wanted to know.
Can you teach English in China?

- I am 18 years
- I am a man
- One student (4.0 GPA)
Year - I'm still in High School 11
- I do not know

I am half white and half haspanic India.

I do not look white - but I know features of the face, n jaw, cheek bones Slim face, soft voice accanto American Slang - Intellecual Slim nose, profile page, etc. Long hair Brown Med.

I'm more orThus color FA, I'm not black or anything.

Is it for me get a job because I know I?


Not even a High School Diploma, I'm still in school. And I'm looking for Cert TESOL, and see if you can own your data with no qualifications at all.

I want to teach only English during the summer - I do not care, even if it is a bad job, and I'm here to see and care for students. Just something that I can improve my Chinese - I Spenke him - I can talk to some people, giving instructions and other basic commands. However, I can not read and understand the ideas and points Techinal universal language, writing, etc.

Is there anyway I can teach English ---I know that in some areas may lack.

Thanks for all the information you have.


Ich liebe Tokio Hotel said...

Teach in China can not be impossible to ever find someone to rent to. But do not expect to find a win-win situation for you.

What they say about the non-discrimination, the reality is that discrimination occurs. "English" means "white". If they are not white, you are underpaid and overworked. Take my word.

Another issue that others have told her age. 18 is young and can not be regarded as sufficient.

woman of faith said...

Hey, guess what? You can (and do) discriminate, not only race, but with age.

On the issue of race, is their argument that their English-speaking students from Asia, with white teachers WAIT.

In terms of age, was disqualified because "is Korea, a mandatory retirement age of 60 years." Now what, I am a citizen of the United States and have no plans to retire.

Anyway, good luck. I was really excited about teaching ESL in Korea, but was a "no go". You might have better luck. I hope so!

22 said...

I think this is an excellent idea. Do not worry, the question is not quite white. If you are a foreigner, they treat you very well. Of course there are always the victims of discrimination, but please do not take it for all Chinese. The Chinese are very nice to all foreigners.

Craftyla... said...

My husband is ethnically 100% Chinese (born in the U.S.) and teaching English in China. While there is discrimination based on race, will probably have more problems with the topic of age.

My recommendation is in contact with a reputable organization, and let them make the choice for you. Groups such as helping elic.

If your main interest lies in the use of Chinese, you might consider participating in a summer program of study. This allows you to have on the Chinese without worrying about the education.

China needs not only of teachers "care" for students. There are many "masters" here who think that just because they are native speakers of English whoTeaching qualification is confirmed. This is simply not true!

If you want to learn and have no time for certification, etc., I always recommend the book "More than a native speaker 'by Donald Snow. It is an excellent resource.

Good luck!

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