Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Swollen Glands In Neck And Geographic Tongue Does A Dry Mouth Accompanied By Roof Of Mouth Bleeding Indicate HIV?

Does a dry mouth accompanied by roof of mouth bleeding indicate HIV? - swollen glands in neck and geographic tongue

For the last month or two, my whole being was full speed. I had unprotected sex for a few minutes to make a condom, which he contracted chlamydia. Once resolved, I think ..... What if I have grown up? HIV.

I began to immencely stress. I have my appetite, swollen glands in my neck, I developed a nose and nostrils. While many people sick in my area ... more work in a call center.

I started searching and see Prodinger my lymph nodes in the armpits and groin to see if it swells .. and are usually large enough to start, I am very thin and I could always feel ... However, the pain when I started Prodinger.

I noticed that my mouth is bleeding in the ceiling.

I also noticed my tongueIt was also a geographical patch in it .... I gargle with salt water and in a few days.

The girl I thought that maybe HIV has, on a test .... the first study that he bit back, because the laboratory is not entitled. These fears HELL OUT OF ME.

It has been tested again and it was negative. I now know quite well ... I asked him if he is outside the window of time, and he assured me, (the very honest and totally devistated) was at least 7 months in the time window.

I am always scared and paranoid because I mouth. Believed that HIV can damage test chlamydia?

I was very scared because I thought, "Well, the first evidence they had reduced the second test again ...negative ... Well, if they upset the first test, then IM sure that once might spoil.

I am beside myself with fear and totally sick. If someone can answer my questions at random from all my .... Rant I would be very happy. Thank you.

1 comment:

Alysha said...

If your concern, what he should really go see a doctor and get tested. 1000 can have the symptoms, but no one here can tell you have HIV or not = (. It's a good idea for the proposition that, if you need to start medications

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