Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Life Expectancy With Lymphoma What Is It With Cancers And Life Expectancy?

What is it with cancers and life expectancy? - life expectancy with lymphoma

Everyone I like to read actually said a lot of everyday medical problems, such as, for example, vitamin A can reduce your life expectancy, drinking water with fluoride can cause bone cancer in children, can lead to hair dyes leukemia (ALL) and people who live in the vicinity of nuclear, chemical plants are at risk of developing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and leukemia.

This must be true, was in the news?

Therefore, we must try to stop pollution, reduce air and clean water pipes, to the risks? It's crazy!

What is your opinion?


WILLIAM S said...

Please do not assume that something in a newspaper or magazine that the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is told.
They seem more on this subject, and not confuse the nature of the material, without knowledge of the facts are known and concerns of the "facts" that are not tested and / or are just rumors.
The best answers are always found in the office with your doctor, because if he / she does not know that he / she can refer to someone who has experience in these matters, and provide a good orientation of the place where the truth lies. I know that not all doctors know all the answers. All answers are available - so any research.

Put your mind at rest, as life can be or is in the vicinity and do not want.

Faraday 42 said...

Dryer to give brain tumor or cancer .. You let your hair dry.

Mobile phones can cause brain tumors to stop using it .. single text.

Non-stick pans can also give you cancer.

De toothpaste air we breathe, the water we drink, the fish we eat, everything you have something bad or unhealthy for us. So stop living people, because they are too ill with cancer or have something to fear. NO. Can not hide it or fear to all around.
Just live.

taz said...

I think what many say, the truth is that I'm 52 and I think there are more patients suffering from cancer since last year when I can go wrong, when life was simpler, but if your life is have been made by a relative who is worrying about dying in a small street just 7 houses only 2 not less than 1 in this disease, my husband has been twice and is now managing over 50 years

Ozgirl said...

One of the most useful things I read in this type of report: --

"You can try to eat and do everything that is said to do good, and close everything that is said is damaging, too. But you can not live - but you look!

NR4L said...

People, life is full of risks, but fear dramatize the trust to the media and terrify

Donnie H said...

I thought you'd ask the doctor if I need to know.

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