Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pink Cervical Mucus On Day Of Period Pink Cervical Mucus Whats Going On?

Pink cervical mucus whats going on? - pink cervical mucus on day of period

OK, my stomach, A Lil Bit for Campy id wee last word and now my cervical mucus a pink color, which could cause them to be pregnant, I had my period 3 weeks and I had sex last week but did not get *** in me, I know you can get pregnant with a lil bit of pre ***, but nobody has an idea here?

1 comment:

kyronsmo... said...

A pink tint to CM, 3 weeks after your period as implantation bleeding. If you have had unprotected sex a week ago, which puts you in the back, as most women tend to ovulate.

The only thing to do now is wait another week and take a pregnancy test, if not occur with menstruation.

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