Thursday, January 7, 2010

Meditation Blanket I'm DESPERATE!! I Haven't Been Able To Sleep For 2 Weeks!!?

I'm DESPERATE!! I haven't been able to sleep for 2 weeks!!? - meditation blanket

In the last two weeks I was about 3 hours of sleep per night and is completely unknown to me! Sleep is very important to me, and they usually try very hard to get at least 7 hours per night. But lately for some reason, cruel, I could not sleep. I feel very tired and go to bed ", but I was only there for hours, wake up! (I do not drink soda or coffee does not eat after 6:30 pm-i 'm not doing anything unusual last night!) So, like every night was not like in bed, up to 5 tons Clock - 30 minutes before my friend had to go to work. After between sleep and wakefulness for 3 hours left and woke up at exactly 8 clock this morning. Clock I do not sleep until 9:30 this evening, I slept for 2 hours on the couch and woke up suddenly, I have in bed awake for another 2 hours! I can not sleep! "I've tried everything! Meditation, tea, hot baths, including a warm blanket, sheep to ... PLEASE HELP ME!


Evil Genius said...

If you're tired, why do you sleep so bad? Many people only have like 4 hours of sleep per night is not really bad for you. Nevertheless, so many PPL try to read a book. I will not say because it does not work for me. Personally, an average of 5 hours per night, and I agree. As a rule, can not sleep because my background is not slowly, and think of something else holding me back. With the exception of mathematics. Normally you will fall asleep if I am to think about the mathematics for a while and not my mind drifting to something else. Of course, probably will not work normally for the PPL, but if all else fails, perhaps try. If you hate math. Idonno.

jajajaja... said...

I feel your pain. I'm an insomnia. Why am I answering questions from people in the morning online less than four clock.

Back to the shop and simply buy Sleep or Tylenol PM.
Take two a night.

I can sleep needs or not.

kelvin said...

Doctor for sleeping pills.

Our body needs at least 8 hours of rest.
continued his life with only 2 hours of rest. Damage their health.
to a doctor as soon as possible ~

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